From: Bruce McDowell
Subject: Support lower 2017/2018 TCRI Affiliation Fees AND a fair and equitable collection method
Date: 08 September 2017
To: Whom It Should Concern

Support lower 2017/2018 TCRI Affiliation Fees
a fair and equitable collection method.

TCRI is proposing to reduce affiliation fees which will be beneficial for all clubs, however this reduction is currently conditional on the Member Clubs (affiliated clubs and sub associations) accepting the 6 band collection method that will be voted on at the 2017 TCRI AGM.

I believe that TCRI should provide an alternative collection method that would also incorporate the same reduction in affiliation fees.

The 6 banded model is UNFAIR for ALL MEMBER CLUBS, especially smaller clubs and those near the start of a band as it requires them to pay for members that they don’t have.

Fixing the bands (e.g. for a two year period) would not solve any of the problems the banded model creates, it would simply delay the problems for a future period.

A per head model is superior as fees directly correlate to actual club membership and therefore align with a club's ability to pay. The per head model is the current collection method used by TCRI and TNZ, and could be easily implemented along with a reduction in affiliation fees.

For example, based on last year’s membership details:
TCRI or a Member Club may wish to move the following amendment as an alternative to TCRI’s motion:

That the 2017/18 annual membership fees, being inclusive of all TCRI and TNZ levies, CPI adjustments and GST, be set as follows:

All (Town and Country) Juniors$12.50
All others (Town and Country)$25.50

This motion would result in collecting the same $126,000.00 as the proposed TCRI 6 banded model (based on last year’s membership details) but this $12.50 / $25.50 per head model does so in a fair and equitable way. There are also other alternative collection models that are fairer than TCRI’s 6 banded model, in short the more bands there are the fairer the collection method is, with the per head model being the fairest.

Please contact me if your club or sub association is prepared to move and or support an amendment to TCRI’s motion. An amended motion can be submitted at the 2017 TCRI AGM on the 27th of September.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,
Bruce M. McDowell
Taxation Accountant,
Registered Financial Advisor,
Former Burnside Park Tennis Club Committee Member (1990-2017), and
Former TCRI Board member (2012-2016)

021 222 1928
More detailed information and schedules are available on my website
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