From: Bruce McDowell
Subject: TCRI AGM Affiliation Reform update - Bruce McDowell
Date: 25 September 2017
To: Whom It Should Concern

Hi everyone,

Great news! Since my last email there have been some very important developments, as follows:

  1. Hagley and Te Kura advised the TCR Board on 14/09/2017 of their intention to put forward the Per Head Model as an amendment to the Board’s motion.
    This is excellent news as it will allow for open discussion and comparison of the per head model to the 6 Band model. The Per Head model is the fairest method of collection of affiliation fees.
    View Supporting Spreadsheet

    The Per Head Model

    That the 2017/18 annual membership fees, being inclusive of all TCRI and TNZ levies, CPI adjustments and GST, be set as follows:

    All (Town and Country) Juniors$12.50
    All others (Town and Country)$25.50

  2. Burnside Park advised the TCR Board on 23/09/2017 of their intention to put forward the 25 Band Model as an amendment to the Board’s motion.
    This is excellent news, as it will allow for the continuing discussion and comparison of the 25 Band model to the 6 Band model. The 25 Band model is far superior and significantly fairer than the 6 Band model.
    View Supporting Spreadsheet

    The 25 Band Model

    That affiliation fees be set at the following rates for the year from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018:

    For Band One, from 0 to 25 members inclusive, no fee, and thereafter, for each subsequent complete band of 25 members, an additional fee of $615, these fees being calculated using the membership numbers specified on the Register of Members in accordance with Rule 10.2 of the TCRI Constitution inclusive of GST and TNZ affiliation fees payable.

  3. Many thanks again for your time and consideration,

    Kind regards,
    Bruce M. McDowell
    Taxation Accountant,
    Registered Financial Advisor,
    Former Burnside Park Tennis Club Committee Member (1990-2017), and
    Former TCRI Board member (2012-2016)