Motion Two: Vote Band Affiliation Fees
Approved Motion for the 2018 TCRI AGM, to be held 3rd October 2018.
Moved: Bruce McDowell, seconded: Anne Clarkson and passed unanimously by the 43 attendees at the Burnside Park Tennis Club’s 93rd AGM held 21 July 2018.“That affiliation fees be set at the following rates for the year from 01 July 2018 to 30 June 2019;
For Band one, from 0 to 25 Members inclusive, no fee, and thereafter, for each subsequent complete band of 25 members, an additional fee of $612.50.
Also, that these figures are inclusive of GST and any TNZ affiliation fees payable.”
Since the attached documents were prepared and distributed to all Burnside Park members the TCRI SGM held on the 26th July 2018 unanimously passed the following motion;
“Each Sub Association shall be entitled to
1. one vote and;
2. a further vote for every complete 25 (after the first 25) members of the Sub Association as specified on the the Register of Members in accordance with Rule 10.2 of this Constitution
provided that the Sub Association has paid any fees due to Tennis Canterbury Region.”
I certainly concur with this unanimous SGM decision to put the Sub Associations and Clubs on the same basis for voting as it is only logical that the Clubs and Sub Associations with the most members should also have the most votes HOWEVER it still remains for the affiliation fees payable to be aligned with the now current equal voting rights.
With the approval of the Vote Band Affiliation Fee Model all Clubs and Sub Associations in the Tennis Canterbury Region will be paying affiliation fees, under a fair and equitable collection method, on exactly the same basis as well as receiving votes on exactly the same basis.